Insight's Reports provide summary information of everything in an Insight project
Reports include:
Project Explorer
- An interface to interactively inspect a project
Report exports
- Create tab-separated text (.tsv) files listing the project contents for review in a spreadsheet or scripting tools
How to start Reports

- Launch the Data Manager (see Launching the Data Manager).
- Note: The project selected in the DUG Insight Launcher will be the project used for reporting.
- In the Data Manager window, click Reports.
Project Explorer

The Project Explorer is a simple interface for browsing the contents of a project. It contains:
- Separate tabs for each type of item in the project
- Detailed information in a table format
- Quick search / row filtering by entering values below the header row
- Save results button

- Select an item tab and the table updates to show the project items
- Click a header to sort by a specific column
- Enter text to filter the table to items with matching values in the column
Save results
- Click Save Results and select the folder location and file name for the text file.
- The text report includes the information shown in the table.
Project Summaries
Project summaries are a complete set of text files describing the contents of a project. Use project summaries to create tab-delimited files for review in a spreadsheet, or for analysis using scripts and other tools.

- Choose the directory for the text files by clicking the blue folder icon.
- Note: Click the down arrow to select previously created folder.
- Type a report name or use the default date and time format.
- Click Create Report.
- The reporting tool creates individual tab-separated text files containing details for each type of item in the project.

Sample Report
Well Name Modified Date Well Status Land/Marine KB Height Water Depth Curve Sets T-D Sets Deviation Sets Marker
Well-1 13-12-13 13:03 Oil and gas (plugged) Marine 22.4 220 1 1 1 1
Well-5 13-12-13 12:59 Gas (plugged) Marine 22 185.8 3 1 2 1
Well-4 07-11-16 11:40 Gas and condensate (plugged) Marine 25 162.3 2 1 2 1
Well-6 13-12-13 12:59 Gas (show) Marine 26.36 170.8 1 1 2 1
Well-9 13-12-13 13:03 Gas and condensate Marine 22.2 220 1 1 2 1
Well-10 13-12-13 13:03 Gas Marine 22.2 178.43 1 1 1 1
Well-11 13-12-13 13:03 Oil and gas Marine 22.2 165 1 1 2 1
Well-3 12-12-13 13:32 Unspecified Marine 0 0 0 0 1 0
Well-2 12-12-13 13:32 Unspecified Marine 0 0 0 0 1 0
Well-7 12-12-13 13:34 Gas and condensate (plugged) Marine 25 162.3 1 1 1 1
Click to copy