Manual Mistie Corrections (2D)
Performance warning: Phase rotation of anything other than 0 or 180 degrees is a computationally-intensive process, thus the resulting output volume will be very slow to use. If you find that it is taking too long to do anything with the output volume, we recommend exporting the output volume to dugio format (see Exporting a Volume to DUG I/O) and using that instead.
Manually correct data misties

- In the Control Panel, open the Volume tab.
- Select a volume in the tree.
- Double-click the selected volume or right-click and select Configure 'Volume'. The Configure Volume window will be displayed. The example above shows mistie correction on 2D line 980-4210 only.
- For a 2D volume, select the 2D line that you want to apply the mistie corrections at Line.
- Click on Configure Mistie Correction. A list of all the mistie corrections applied to each line in the volume will appear. The table shows Time Shift, Phase and Amplitude Scale.
- Click the Load Auto-Mistie Corrections from File button to load the misties from the previously saved values.
Note: The Mistie correction table can be copied and pasted directly into an Excel spreadsheet by shift-highlighting all the values and using the shortcut Ctrl+C. Ctrl+V will paste it into the spreadsheet. It is also possible to right-click and export to CSV.

- Each value can be edited in the table by double-clicking on the appropriate cell. This will update the mistie applied to the data for display.
- To remove all Mistie corrections from the volume at once select Reset Corrections.
- Click Close and OK to apply the mistie corrections.
As you apply the mistie correction, you can view the changes directly from the 3D View. See the example below for data mistie before and after shift correction for two intersecting 2D lines.
Note: To apply the mistie corrections permanently, export the data volume.
Edit Mistie Corrections in bulk

- In the Configure Mistie Correction table, highlight multiple Misties using Shift + right-click (for all) or Ctrl + right-click (for selected lines).
- At Bulk Shift, type the shift value, by which you want to shift your data on the time/depth dimension. In this example, you shift data on the time dimension. A negative value will shift data up, while a positive value will shift data down.
At Phase Correction, type the phase rotation angle to rotate the data. The accepted value is between -180° and 180°.
Note: You cannot apply phase rotation on a depth volume. However, you can do so by first converting the volume to the time (TWT) domain using the Volume Resampling process or exporting the volume to the time domain as described in Exporting a Volume to DUG I/O. - At Amplitude Scale, type the amplitude scale to correct the amplitude of the line or volume.
- The selected fields will update with the new misties.
- Click Close and OK to apply the new Mistie Corrections.
Example below shows the application of 180o Phase Rotation to two highlighted lines.

Unable to Save - Error message

Mistie corrections are directly saved in dugio metadata. Write access to the volume data is required.
If the Unable to Save error message appears for you, change the permission settings to the volume data and click Retry Saving to save the mistie corrections to dugio metadata. Alternatively, click Cancel to abort the mistie corrections.