Creating a Windowing Model
Windowing models define a series of time/depth layers bounded by constant time/depth values and/or horizons. Windowing models are useful in Spectra Analysis, model building and other processes requiring layer or interval based analysis.
Create a windowing model

- In the Control Panel, open the Model tab.
- Click the blue "+" icon and select New model.
- Type a name and click OK.
Vertical dimension of model: select TWT (ms) or TVDSS (m).
- The default model starts with one layer, beginning at the top and ending at the bottom (of a trace or model).
- In the details panel, click the blue "+" icon to add a layer boundary.
- A boundary specifies the time or depth where one window ends and the next window begins.
- In the above example, there are three windows:
- "Window 1" : top of model to a horizon, “Sample Horizon.
- "Window 2": “Sample Horizon” to 1000ms
- "Window 3": 1000ms to the bottom of the model
- Click the red "x" icon to remove a boundary.
Layer boundary:
- Constant value: Use a single time or depth value for the boundary.
- Horizon: Use values from a horizon for the boundary with an optional offset. The value depends on the coordinates or the location selected for the model.
Set layer conformability: Enable stratigraphic conformability rules
- Top: Layer values conform to the previous boundary (above).
- Base: Layer values conform to the next boundary (below).
- Proportional: Layer values conform proportionally between both boundaries.
- Flat: Layer values conform with the vertical dimension (TWT or TVDSS)
- Horizon: Layer values conform to a selected horizon
- Dip Field: Layer values conform to dip field curvature (see Dip Field process).
- Taper length (ms): A ramp applied to values near layer boundaries.
Max Moveout First Interface (ms): The amount of moveout to apply to the model, varying with offset.
- Use 0 for a model that does not vary with offset