Activating/Deactivating Items
You can activate/deactivate items in a product tab to enable/disable the items in Insight. By default, when you create/load an item, the item is automatically activated.
Activate/deactivate all items in a product tab

- In the Control Panel, click the green/amber circle at the top left corner to activate/deactivate all the items in the tab.
- The circles beside all the items in the product tab will show green/amber to indicate active/inactive items.
Activate/deactivate all items in a folder(s)

- Right-click a folder or multiple folders (Ctrl and click to select more than one folder).
- Click Show/Hide X items to activate/deactivate all the items in the folder(s).
Activate/deactivate specific item

- A green circle to the right of each item indicates that the item is active. To deactivate this item, click the green circle, and it will turn amber.
- Conversely, to activate the item, click the amber circle and it will turn green.