How do I merge lines from multiple 2D volumes and surveys into a single volume and survey?
This workflow can be used to efficiently consolidate 2D data contained in multiple 2D volumes spread over several surveys into a single 2D volume and survey.

- Create a line-set containing lines from both 2d surveys e.g. "Merged Lines" (see Managing 2D line set)
- In the Volume tab, highlight each line name found in the Extents section, then right-click and select Add to Line Set > New...
- Alternatively, select the lines in Map view by pressing Ctrl and clicking the lines. To add lines, right-click and select Add lines to line set > New....

- Export the line set e.g. Merged Lines (see Exporting 2D line sets)
- Go to the Survey tab, right-click on the line set, and select Export > Export "line set.
- Import the line set as a 2D survey via Control Panel > Import > Surveys...

- Export both 2D volumes to the same .dugio file (see Exporting to DUG I/O).
- Give the first volume a name, select the location to export to, and click OK.
- This new volume will contain the merged data.
- To add lines to the merged volume from the second volume, use the same file name and location when exporting.
Note: Exporting lines from the second volume to the merged volume will not overwrite data already contained in the merged volume, unless the lines being export are already in the merged volume.

- Import the merged volumes via Control Panel > Import > Volume.
- When prompted to select a volume by the Survey not defined window, select the merged line survey imported in Step 2.