How to export Insight data for TNavigator

Products Export format from Insight Import format into TNavigator
Well Deviation
  1. Exported as columnar ascii .txt file. The order of column, e.g:
    • MD
    • TVDSS
    • X
    • Y
  2.  Export as OWX.
Import OWX files directly into TNav.
Well Marker / Tops
  1. Exported as columnar ascii .txt file. The order of column, e.g: 
    • Label (Marker Name)
    • MD
  2. Export as OWX.
Import OWX files directly into TNav.
Well curve
  1. Can be exported in standard LAS 2.0.
  2. Can be exported as columnar Ascii. txt file.
  3. Can be exported as OWX format.
Import OWX or LAS files directly into TNav.
  1. .ilclt(Insight standard format). Column:
    • IL
    • CL
    • TWT/TVD
  2. .dat - Customised txt file. can choose the options you wish to export.
Import customised file format (X, Y, TWT/TVD) directly into TNav as Ascii (Earth Vision Grid) format. 
  1. .dupoly - Insight standard format
  2. .dat /IESC
  3. .dat or .plg format - Kingdom planimeter format
  4. Ascii text file
  5. .shp file
Import .shp directly into TNav.
  1. .dufault - Insight standard format
  2. .gq7 - GeoQuest Card image 7
  3. GeoQuest/IESXformat
    • Exports both a .dat file and a .iesx file.
Import dufault format into TNAV. Minor editing required.
  1. .dugio - Insight standard format
  2. SEGY
Import SEGY directly into TNav.