Installation of Insight failed! What should I do?
If the installation of Insight is unsuccessful, the error message below will be displayed.
Error message

This error could be due to a number of reasons.
It would be a great help in diagnosing the problem if you could run the installer with extra logging enabled, as described below. This will create a log text file that will tell us exactly what was going on during the installation.
Installing with logging options

- From the Start menu, type "cmd" and open the Windows Command Processor.
- In the command window, navigate to the folder where the installation file (.msi) resides.
- To run the installer with logging options, type the following:
msiexec /i DUG_Insight-4.x-xxxxxx_x64.msi /lvx* log.txt
Note: Change the version number as necessary.
- Press Enter and run the installation again. The log file will document all activity by the installer, including the moment it failed and the error code.
- Send us a support ticket by emailing [email protected] describing how and when the problem occurred, your system specifications, and attaching the log file.