How do I create a "chair" display in the 3D view using two different volumes?

- Go to the Process tab and create a Volume Sculpt process (see Volume Sculpt process) e.g. "Incoherence sculpt".
- Use the incoherence (or other time-slice attribute) as input for the Volume field.
- Set the Top horizon as Constant value of the slice to display, e.g. TWT 2680.

- Go to the Group tab and create a group e.g. "Chair inco+seismic".
- Click the blue "+" button and add the volumes for:
- "Incoherence sculpt",
- Seismic stack (or volume to display vertically).

- In the 3D View, select the group in the Vol search box.
- Turn on IL, CL and TWT (e.g. at TWT=2680).