How do I scale synthetic trace relative to seismic?
In addition to the wavelet scalar, the display of the synthetic trace in section view is determined by two main factors:
1 - The min/max values of the Class colourbar

Note: The synthetic trace automatically inherits the same Class as the volume you are comparing it to.
2 - The display width of the well track

Note: The edges of the well track represent the min/max values of the colourbar (i.e. if your synthetic trace has amplitudes -100 to +100 and you also set the min/max colourbar values as -100 to +100, then the maximum peaks and troughs should just hit the edges of the well track).
Please follow these four steps for scaling of your synthetic trace:
- Set the wavelet scalar such that it matches the seismic trace in the synthetic view. As a rule of thumb, you should scale the wavelet to ~10x the seismic peak amplitude. You can adjust your wavelet scale by selecting it in the Wavelet tab of the Control Panel. See also Creating a Wavelet Field.
- Set the Class min/max values such that the peaks/troughs of the synthetic trace are just inside the edges of the well track in section view:
- Set the volume to Use min and max from class setting:

- You may now wish to adjust the Display Width of the well track depending on the zoom level in the section view:
The display of the seismic traces is zoom dependent. The display of the well logs is zoom agnostic. Therefore there will likely always be some necessary tweaking of the well track display width. You may also find it useful to deselect Use min/max from class for the volume and adjust the min/max display of the volume (using F5/F6) independently to the synthetic trace.