How do I load well data?
DUG Insight reads well data from text files. Curve and log data should be stored in LAS format, with a single LAS file per well.
The first time you import a well for use in DUG Insight, you will use the Well Import dialog to create a duwell file. The duwell file describes the well, and contains pointers to the LAS, checkshot, deviation, and markers files.
You can also bulk import all well data to create a new well.
Create well file

- From the Control Panel, open the Well tab.
- Click on the Add icon and select New Well.
- The New Well window will be displayed.

- Fill in all of the relevant information for your well and click Create Well.
- Once you have a duwell file, you can load it by clicking on the Add icon and select Load Wells already in the project.
Checkshot (time-depth) Surveys
Time-to-depth information is required for DUG Insight to display well data in time. Checkshot data points require two values:
- the measured depth at the well, and
- its corresponding two-way-time
The depth column label should indicate the depth datum. Expected depth labels are:
- MDKB: Measured Depth from Kelly Bushing / Round Table
- MDSS: Measured Depth Sub Sea
- MD: Measured Depth (assumed to be MDKB)
The time column label should be "TWT". No other time formats are accepted.
Sample checkshot survey:
Time-depth survey for Well-1
1210.00 1170.07
1710.00 1500.07
2210.00 1800.04
2700.00 2150.06
3200.00 2520.03
3730.00 2810.07
4000.00 2960.74
Deviation Surveys
Deviation surveys are required for DUG Insight to accurately display deviated wells. Deviation surveys require four values for each point:
- the measured depth
- the true vertical depth
- the UTM X coordinate at this depth
- the UTM Y coordinate at this depth
The measured depth column label should indicate the datum. Expected measured depth labels are:
- MDKB: Measured Depth from Kelly Bushing / Round Table
- MDSS: Measured Depth Sub Sea
- MD: Measured Depth (assumed to be MDKB)
The true vertical depth column label should indicate the datum. Expected true vertical depth labels are:
- TVDKB: True Vertical Depth from Kelly Bushing / Round Table
- TVDSS: True Vertical Depth Sub Sea
- TVDBML: True Vertical Depth Below Mud Line
- TVD: True Vertical Depth (assumed to be TVDKB)
The UTM X and Y columns should be labelled "UTMX" and "UTMY" or "X" and "Y", respectively.
Sample deviation survey:
Deviation survey for Well-1
0.00 -20.06 39844.56 24589.34
1000.00 1020.02 39844.47 24588.95
2000.00 1990.05 39845.82 24590.47
3000.00 2980.00 39895.21 24524.15
4000.00 3410.03 40453.486 23864.922
5000.00 3910.05 41009.257 23219.492
6000.00 4890.06 41036.517 23192.534
Well Markers
Markers are text labels applied to points along the well path. Well marker files require two values:
- the marker name (the text placed beside the point at the well)
- the marker depth
The marker name column should be a short description of the point. Spaces and commas are not allowed in the name. We recommend the use of underscore '_' or hyphens '-' to replace spaces. The marker name column should be labelled "Name".
The marker depth column should indicate the datum, as above.
Sample marker file:
Markers for Well-1
WaterBottom 185.0
Cretaceous 2700.00
Jurassic 3200.00
Triassic 3730.00
Permian 4000.00
Bulk import well data

Well data that was exported to OWX and ASC format can also be imported as a new well.
- To bulk export well data, right click on the well in the Control Panel and select Export > All data (OWX format).
- To import this file, open the Import menu and select Well Data.