How to show an amplitude graph at the horizon location?
It is not currently possible to directly display amplitude extractions along the horizon line. However, the workflow described in this article can achieve similar results using the Header Graphs tool.
- In the Map View, display amplitude extraction and save the horizon as a custom property. For more information on how to do this, refer to Horizon Display and Amplitude Extraction.

- In the Control Panel, add a new Header Maths process. Give the process a name to differentiate the new volume. A suggestion is to append AmplitudeExtraction to the name.
- Volume: Select the desired volume.
- Horizon: Select the relevant horizon.
- Property: Select the custom property saved in Step 1.
- Formulae: Add a formula row, select an unused header, and assign it as h1, which is the horizon from Step 2.

- In the section view, select the new process volume for display.
- Right-click on the trace data and select Display settings > Configure.
- In the Headers tab, select the Show headers graph option.
- Select the header from the process in Step 3, and optionally rename it to Amplitude.
- Make sure the Hdr option is selected.
- In the section view, right-click on the header that is now displayed at the top of the window and select Zoom to fit to see the full amplitude range.