Exporting 2D Line Sets
2D line sets can be exported to create sub-surveys. Similarly, 2D volume data can be constrained to a line set during export to create sub-volumes.
Export 2D line sets

- From the Survey tab, right click on the 2D line set.
- Click Export and select the preferred export option.
- Type a file name, select a directory and click Save. The line set will be exported to a .survey extension file format.
Import 2D line sets
Once a 2D line set has been exported, it can be imported like any other survey (see Importing a Survey).
Export 2D line intersections

- In the Control Panel, open the Survey tab.
- Right-click the 2D survey.
- Select Export and Export csv of intersecting lines.
- Type the file name and click Save. The line intersections will be exported to a .csv extension file format.
The following is an example of a .csv survey file. By default, the survey file does not include headers. Refer to the example below for headers of each column.

Export constrained 2D volume data

- From the Volume tab, right click on the 2D volume and click Export. The Export Volume window will be displayed.
- At Constrain to line set, select a line set to constrain the export. Alternatively, select only the lines you want to constrain the export by selecting the check boxes beside the line names.
- Follow the rest of the steps in Export a 2D Volume to DUG I/O.
Import 2D Volume
Once a constrained 2D volume has been exported, it can be imported like any other volume (see Importing a Volume).