Capturing Detailed Images for Reports

Capturing Detailed Images for Reports

Saving high resolution images in Insight is great for:

  • Displaying regional 2D lines
  • Saving images that may be cropped or zoomed later
  • Presenting data on high resolution displays or printing with a high-DPI printer


In this example, we’ll save a 400 km 2D seismic section at a seven times display resolution, giving an output image 4487 pixels wide - detailed enough for almost any purpose.

  1. Click the Camera icon at the top left of the window.
  2. This starts the capture selection mode.

a.     Move the mouse cursor over the area to capture.
b.     A highlighted region follows the mouse pointer.
c.     Press space-bar (or right-click) as many times as you need to increase the capture area.
d.     Move the mouse again to reset the capture area.
e.     When you left-click, the highlighted region will be captured.

  1. In the Screen Capture window, increase the Scale to 7.
  2. Select either Export to PNG or Export to SVG, or both, and click OK.
  3. Choose a file name and location, and click Save.

Quick tip:

If you’re working on a presentation in another program, hold down CTRL when clicking the Camera icon. Instead of saving to a file, the capture goes straight onto the clipboard. It’s perfect for pasting straight into a document!