Horizon Unconformity patterns
Transform a smooth horizon to a wavy horizon using Horizon Maths. This horizon manipulation is handy to highlight unconformities for screenshots and presentations.
In the following simple example we modify an unconformity horizon to create a visual pattern recognised by geologists. Follow the workflow below to create your own unconformity pattern.

- In Map View, select the Operations tab
- Change the operation to Horizon Maths.
- Add your input horizon as variable h1 (the unconformity)
- Type the following formula:
h1 + ( 10 * h1/h1 * sin ( cl/5 ))
Click to copy
- The formula divides the horizon by itself to get a constant 1
- The horizon has a crossline value which can be used as a lateral variation variable cl. The sine of the crossline creates a sinusoidal (wavy) output.
- Scaling the crossline (cl) changes the frequency of the sinusoidal output. Dividing cl by 5 scales the crossline to a sensible frequency for this dataset, you may need to experiment with your own data.
- Multiplying everything by 10 changes the amplitude of the sinusoidal output. You may need to experiment with your own data.
- Adding the result back to the original horizon creates the final wavy interpreted horizon.