Processes in Insight
Click on the process name to jump to the process page of the manual. A brief summary of each process is included below the table.
G: Works with Gathers S: Works with Stacks 2D: Works with 2D V: Works with Velocity Q: Works with Q volume P: Works with Tau-P domain D: Works with Delta volume
Modeling | Pore Pressure | Analysis |
Delta Model V (GA)
LF Model (Simple Kriging) (Expl, GA, LF) LF Model (End Member Trends) (LF) LF Model (Ghost Horizon) (Expl, GA, LF) Constrained Simultaneous Inversion (Absolute) S 2D (LF, QI) Constrained Simultaneous Inversion (Relative) S 2D (LF, QI) Match G V S 2D (GA) |
PP: Density Volume V (PPP)
PP: Eaton Pressure V (PPP) PP: Miller (No Unloading) Pressure V (PPP) |
Body Detection S 2D (Expl)
LithoFluid Probability S 2D (LF) Spectral Decomposition S 2D (Expl) Instantaneous Attributes G S 2D (Expl) Attribute Maps G S 2D (GA) Attribute Maps Stack 2D Gather only (GA) |
Picking | Filters | AVA/AVO |
Pick Multiple Horizons G S (Expl)
Picked Function Model G (GA) |
Gain G S 2D (Expl, GA)
Automatic Gain G S 2D (Expl, GA) Phase Rotation G S 2D (Base) Band-Pass Filter G S 2D (Expl, GA) Volume Integration G S 2D (Expl, GA, PPP) Volume Smoothing G S 2D (Expl, PPP) Q Filter G S (GA) Convolution G S 2D (Expl, GA) Structurally-Oriented Filter G S 2D (Expl, GA) Spectral Shaping G S 2DV (Expl, GA) K Filter G (GA) Zero Phase G V S 2D (GA) |
AVA Stack Rotation S 2D (GA)
AVO Polynomial Fit G (GA) Intercept and Gradient G S 2D (GA) |
Velocity | Volume |
Anisotropic Model Conversion G V (Expl, GA) Velocity Conversion V (Base) Velocity Re-Datum V (Expl, GA) Velocity Model (From Well Checkshots) V (Expl, GA) Q Conversion Q (GA) Q Estimation G V S 2D (GA) V0 from Delta and Isotropic Depth Mig Velocities V D (GA) Velocity No-Decrease V S 2D (GA) |
Volume Combine S 2D (Base)
Volume Derivative G S 2D V (Expl, GA) Volume Maths G S 2D (Base) Volume Maths (Simple) G S 2D (Base) Volume Merge S 2D (Expl) Volume Re-sampling G S 2D (Base) Volume Sculpting G S 2D (Expl, GA) Volume Interpolation/Extrapolation S 2D (Expl) NaN Removal G S 2D (Expl, GA) Simple Mute G S 2D (GA) Detect Mute G V S 2D (GA) Restore Mute G V S 2D (GA) Volume CRS Conversion G V S 2D (GA) Volume Sort G (GA) Enhance Flat G (GA) Frequency Split G V 2D S (Expl, GA) |
G: Works with Gathers S: Works with Stacks 2D: Works with 2D V: Works with Velocity Q: Works with Q volume P: Works with Tau-P domain D: Works with Delta volume
Process Summaries
Angle Gathers G: Convert offset gathers to the angle domain.
Angle Mute G V: Create an angle mute for use in muting processes.
Angle Stacks G: Create one or more angle stacks from gathers using a velocity volume.
Mute Gathers G: Apply user-defined mutes (angle, offset, hand-drawn) to gathers.
Create Gathers S 2D: Construct gathers from multiple 2D or 3D volumes.
Normal Moveout Correction G: Apply or remove NMO correction to gathers.
Dip Filter G: Filter linear dipping events by slope (ms/trace).
F-K Transform G: Transform gathers to / from the F-K domain.
F-X Transform G: Transform gathers to / from the F-X domain.
Polygon Mute G: Apply polygon-defined mutes to gathers.
Stacking G: Create 2D and 3D volumes from gathers by stacking individual traces.
RMO Correction G: Apply RMO or trim statics corrections to a volume.
Frequency-Domain Radon G: Perform a forward or reverse linear, parabolic or hyperbolic radon transform on gathers (or perform radon demultiple).
Deconvolution G: Apply deconvolution to a volume over specified windows.
FX Deconvolution G: Apply random noise attenuation via spatial predictive deconvolution in the complex frequency domain.
Despike G: Detect spikes and clean up or mark affected traces
Trim Statics G: Flatten gathers (stretch/squeeze) guided by correlation
Local Trace Alignment G: Flatten gathers at one window using shifts
Hi-Res Radon Transform G: Perform an optimised forward or reverse linear, parabolic or hyperbolic radon transform on gathers (or perform radon demultiple)
Cadzow Filter G: Performs matrix-rank reduction on constant-frequency slices for the purpose of random noise suppression.
Header and Trace Interpolation G: Fill in missing traces and/or interpolate shots, channels, image gathers, inlines or crosslines onto a new increment.
Linear Noise Removal (LNR) G: Removes linear energy from records.
True-Amplitude Frequency Equalisation (TAFE) G: Control boost with user-defined frequency/gain pairs.
Plane Wave Dip Filter G: Computes an optimised, local dip filter (pass or reject) and applies it as a multiplicative mask to the transformed data in the frequency-wavenumber domain.
Composite QC G V S 2D: Generates QC images of the specified input volumes at one or more predefined surface locations.
Partial Binning/Stacking G: Produce a gather volume with records formed by binning traces to a header sequence and stacking them, optionally adjusting for NMO and statics.
Tau-P Mute G: Performs muting in the tau-p or tau-px-py domain.
Time-Frequency Denoise (TFDN) G: Suppress anomalous noise from traces when compared with the surrounding windowed traces.
Wavelet Transform G: Transform data into and out of various wavelet domains.
Posting Convention Conversion G: Converts data between top posted and bottom or centre posted conventions
Similarity & Structure
Dip Azimuth G S: Calculate dip angle and azimuth of maximum dip from a dip field.
Dip Field G S 2D: Calculate dip by analysing coherent features in seismic data.
Curvature G S: Calculate volumetric curvature from a dip field to highlight structural discontinuities (e.g. from faults).
Incoherence G S 2D: Measure waveform dissimilarity between nearby traces to highlight discontinuities from faults and other stratigraphic changes.
Edges G S 2D: Highlight changes in movement and direction of a dip field using a Sobel operator.
Flattener G S 2D: Create stratigraphically flattened (iso-proportional) domains based on horizons and times.
Correlation (Similarity) S 2D: Measure waveform similarity between nearby traces to highlight discontinuities from faults and other stratigraphic changes.
Semblance (Similarity) S: Measure similarity in waveform and energy between nearby traces to highlight discontinuities from faults and other stratigraphic changes.
Semblance (Velocity) G: Create semblance velocity spectra gathers for a range of velocities.
Directional Correlation (Similarity) S: Analyze waveform similarity along a specified azimuth to highlight directional features (faults following a structural trend, channelized stratigraphic features).
Simple Structured Model S V: Constructs a layered model using the structure defined in a Window model.
Trace Chooser G S 2D: Include or exclude traces from a volume using one or more header-based constraints.
Trace Mix G: Combine samples from neighbouring traces, according to a user-defined weighting function.
Trace Padding G S 2D: Pad the top and/or bottom of traces using zeros, mirroring or simple extrapolation.
Trace Shift G S 2D: Apply a shift to each trace according to a header value or a constant.
Autocorrelation G S 2D: Correlate a volume with itself.
Cross Correlation G S 2D: Cross-correlate a volume with another volume, trace, or wavelet.
Header Maths G S 2D: Set trace header values using arbitrary calculations.
Reassign Geometry Headers G S 2D: Recalculate 2D and 3D geometry headers from headers and surveys.
Reassign Scaling Headers G S 2D: Set scaling trace headers (SCALCO/SCALEL) and optionally update related stored values (e.g. SCALCO -> SX/SY).
Header and Trace Interpolation G: Fill in missing traces and/or interpolate shots, channels, image gathers, inlines or crosslines onto a new increment.
Despike G: Detect spikes and clean up or mark affected traces.
Header Sequence Builder G: Write to headers for all traces in the record, based on a statistic or otherproperty of the entire record.
Local Trace Alignment G: Flatten gathers at one window using shifts.
Delta Model V: Build a layered delta model from well curves and a velocity model.
LF Model (Simple Kriging): Construct blocky layered models from well data using simple kriging.
LF Model (End Member Trends): Construct layered P-Impedance, S-Impedance, Density and optionally Vp/Vs models from lithology trends.
LF Model (Ghost Horizon): Construct detailed layered models from well data using inverse distance weighting.
Constrained Simultaneous Inversion (Absolute) S 2D: Inverts for absolute P-Impedance, S-Impedance and Density from seismic stacks.
Constrained Simultaneous Inversion (Relative) S 2D: Inverts for relative P-Impedance, S-Impedance and Density from seismic stacks.
Match S 2D G V: Fine-tune noise model before subtracted from the seismic data.
Pore Pressure
PP: Density Volume V: Calculate a density volume from velocities (for pore pressure prediction).
PP: Eaton Pressure V: Calculate pressure (in psi) and pressure gradient (in ppg) using Eaton's equation.
PP: Miller (No Unloading) Pressure V: Calculate pressure (in psi) and pressure gradient (in ppg) using Miller's equation (without unloading).
Body Detection S 2D: Identify contiguous regions of a volume matching a specified amplitude threshold.
Lithofluid Probability S 2D: Calculate lithology and fluid probabilities and perform classification using statistical rock physics models.
Spectral Decomposition S 2D: Decompose seismic data into user specified frequencies using a continuous wavelet transform.
Instantaneous Attributes G S 2D: Calculate instantaneous attributes for a seismic volume: envelope, instantaneous frequency, instantaneous phase, and sweetness.
Attribute Maps S 2D G: Create attributes maps by retrieving from the header or calculated from the samples.
Attribute Maps Stack 2D Gathers only: Configure and show a stacked view of 2D Attribute Map volumes.
Pick Multiple Horizons G S: Automatically pick multiple horizons from seismic volumes.
Picked Function Model G: Construct a volume by smoothly interpolating picked gather functions.
Gain G S 2D: Apply data dependent (AGC) and data independent gains to a volume.
Automatic Gain (AGC) G S 2D: Apply data-dependent scaling to a volume.
Phase Rotation G S 2D: Apply a phase rotation to a volume.
Band-Pass Filter G S 2D: Apply high-pass, low-pass or band-pass frequency filters to an input volume.
Volume Integration G S 2D: Integrate data using a running sum or Simpson's rule algorithm.
Volume Smoothing G S 2D: Smooth data with optionally increasing weights.
Q Filter G S: Apply or remove Q compensation to correct for dispersion and attenuation.
Convolution: Convolve a volume with another volume, trace, or wavelet.
Structurally-Oriented Filter G S 2D: Remove noise by applying a dip-field based, structurally aware filter.
Spectral Shaping G S 2D V: Adjust amplitudes in the frequency domain using frequency/gain pairs.
K Filter G: Apply spatial anti-aliasing filter to volume before downsampling.
Zero Phase G S 2D V: Zeros the phase of all frequencies in the time domain.
AVA Stack Rotation S 2D: Project seismic stacks onto arbitrary angles to enhance or suppress different AVA responses (similar to Extended Elastic Impedance [EEI]).
AVO Polynomial Fit G: Fit a polynomial to amplitudes extracted along a horizon.
Intercept and Gradient G S 2D: Calculate intercept and gradient from stacks or gathers.
Velocity Conversion V: Safely resample velocity models and convert between formats.
Velocity No-Decrease V: Process a velocity volume to remove decreasing values as time/depth increases.
Velocity Re-Datum V: Re-datum and shift velocity models.
Velocity Model (From Well Checkshots) V: Create layered velocity models from well time-depth data.
Q Conversion Q: Converts between "effective Q" and "interval Q".
Q Estimation G S 2D V: Estimates the effective Q from seismic traces.
V0 from Delta and Isotropic Depth Mig Velocities V D: Calculates the vertical interval velocity in depth (V0) from an interval delta model and an isotropic depth migration velocity model.
Velocity No-Decrease V S 2D: Process a velocity volume to remove decreasing values as time/depth increases.
Anisotropic Model Conversion V G: Convert between any combination of the interval quantities.
Volume Combine S 2D: Combine multiple 2D or 3D volumes into a single 3D volume.
/ Base
Volume Derivative G S 2D V: Calculates the first or second derivative of a trace using the finite difference method.
Volume Maths G S 2D: Perform complex, arbitrary calculations using volumes and horizons.
Volume Maths (Simple) G S 2D: Perform arithmetic operations using one or two volumes at high speed.
Volume Merge S 2D: Vertically merge two volumes at a boundary defined by a horizon or constant.
Volume Resampling G S 2D: Resample volumes temporally, adjust sample rates, perform time-depth conversion and extents (for 3D).
Volume Sculpting G S 2D: Constrain a volume to a region and/or time window using polygons, horizons and constants.
Volume Interpolation/Extrapolation S 2D: Interpolate/extrapolate volumes to fill a 3D region.
NaN Removal G S 2D: Replace NaN (missing or invalid values) with constants or simple interpolation.
Simple Mute G S 2D: Mute traces using a header value or constant.
Detect Mute G V S 2D: Detects muted regions at the start and end of each trace, and saves this information in the MUTS/MUTE headers.
Restore Mute G V S 2D: Restores a mute saved in the MUTS and MUTE headers.
Volume CRS Conversion G V S 2D: Converts XY coordinate and derived trace headers between two Coordinate Reference.
Frequency Split G V S 2D: Splits an input volume into N output volumes.