Composite QC
This workflow-enabled process generates QC images of the specified input volumes at one or more predefined surface locations. The saved images can then be regenerated for reporting purposes by rerunning the workflows, and each image is generated with consistent size and layout. Output QC images are configured to show one or more panels, using a selection of analysis tools, as described below.
- In the Control Panel, open the Process tab.
- At the tab header, click the Add icon and select New Process.
- Scroll down and double-click on Composite QC.
- Type a name for the process and click OK.
Configure the Composite QC
Controls beneath the tabbed configuration panels can be accessed at any time.

- Open QC View: Opens an interactive QC view with which to preview and/or configure the QC image.
- Export Active: Export a single QC image for the current preview location.
- Export All Locations: Exports QC images for all configured QC Locations.
- Create QC Images ONLY: if checked, Insight will not generate a volume output for further processing. Always use this in QC workflows intended only for image generation, as disk usage and runtimes will be significantly improved. This checkbox should be cleared only if subsequent processing or an output volume (dugio) is required.
This tab allows you to select the input volumes included in this QC image. As all QC images include a section view of each input, this is also where you will configure section view annotations such as the display of Scale and Colour bars.
All selected volumes must be on the same survey as the first selected volume.
Volumes are displayed using the class (colour bar, range) configured in the Insight control panel's Volume tab.

Volume List: Click the blue + icon to add a new row. Type a Name and select a Volume from the search box.
- The handle can be used to drag and reorder an entry in the list, changing the display order of the section views.
- Name allows some text to be displayed above the corresponding volume's section view.
- Volume selection must, if used in a workflow, be an on-disk volume or an output from a preceding process.
- The visibility indicator controls volume panel visibility; a volume may be temporarily removed from the graph by toggling this green button to amber.
- Annotation Settings: Only available when using multiple input volumes, and allows selection of the section view(s) in which the configured annotation(s) should appear.
- Scale Bar: Enabled to display a scale bar at the specified location (and on the panel(s) configured above, as required). Displaying a scale requires volumes with a consistent trace spacing / horizontal scale.
- Volume Colourbar: Enabled to display a colour bar at the specified location (and on the panel(s) configured above, as required)
- Font Size: Set font size of the visible scale bar or volume colourbar annotations.
- Class Settings: Use class settings from input volume. If unchecked, all QC volume's class settings (colour bar, ranges, density, etc) can be collectively configured from here using standard volume configuration settings.
This tab allows you to select all the locations at which to generate QC images. The panel is divided into three main sections: Location Type, Preview Location, and QC Locations.

- Show Location: Enabled to display the image's location in text at the top of the image.
Dimension Selectors: Specify the QC image's location and affect its corresponding section view types.
- Gather Header is available if a gather section is selected, and selects which header forms the section view's horizontal dimension.
- Fourth Dimension is available when viewing a gather volume in Non-Gather mode, and selects the fourth dimension to use for navigation.
- Preview: controls configure the interactively displayed QC view. They are only enabled if Open QC View has been used to open an interactive preview of the QC image. Using the preview controls you can select new locations interactively and, on identifying an area of interest, click the + to create a new QC Location.
QC Locations: A QC image will be automatically generated (either by the workflow, or by the Export All Locations... button) for all locations in this list. New locations can be added using the Preview controls described above, as well as at the top of this list.
- The visibility selector indicates whether a specific location is currently visible in the interactive QC view (accessed via Open QC View. Clicking on this selector at a different location will jump the interactive QC view to that location.
- Location selectors differ based on the Location Type you selected above.
In the header tab, configure the display of headers and a header graph panel in the generated QC image.

Show headers graph: Enable the headers graph and its configuration settings.
- Tip: Header values are displayed interactively for the current mouse location and use these settings, even if the Headers Graph is not currently visible. Therefore if the Headers Graph is not shown, to configure the headers displayed you must temporarily enable the graph, make your configuration changes, then disable it again.
Show a legend on one or more headers panels.
- Panel is only available when using multiple inputs, and selects in which panel the legend should appear.
- Position specifies where on the selected panel(s) the legend is to be displayed.
- Abbreviated selects whether the header should be displayed using its header abbreviation (ie CDPX) rather than its name (ie Ensemble X)
- Show Attribute Maps Headers: Show headers from the Attribute Maps volumes generated automatically for all input QC volumes.
Headers List: The remaining controls configure the attribute maps headers. The configuration is directly related to the Attribute Maps process.
- The order controller: Move to change the legend's display order.
- The traffic light indicator: Controls which headers are currently visible; a header may be temporarily removed from the graph by toggling the indicator to amber.
- Header Selection: Selects a header to display.
- Colour: Select the colour for the header's graph and legend label.
- Weight: Type the weight used to draw the header's graph.
- Display Mode: Select to draw the header graph as a line or a series of per-trace points.

- An autocorrelation panel can be added to each section view by selecting the Show Autocorrelation checkbox in this tab.
- The remaining controls configure the computation and display of the autocorrelation panels. The configuration is directly related to the Autocorrelation process.
View Settings
- Use class settings from input volume: If unchecked, the Autocorrelation panel's class settings (colour bar, ranges) can be configured independently to the input volumes, using standard volume configuration settings.
- Show Symmetric Autocorrelation: Mirrors the lags axis in the generated autocorrelation panel to display two sided stacked autocorrelation.
- Show title: Toggle the section title visibility. You can set the title text and its position in the section view. The Panel combo-box is only available when using multiple input volumes, and allows selection of the section view(s) in which the configured annotation(s) should appear.
This tab lets you to configure one or more Spectra Analysis sections to display on the QC image.

- Check Show spectra panel to start working with Spectra.
- Order handle: Use to reorder the volume list, changing the legend's display order.
- Volume: Select one or more volumes for the spectra graphs where each selected volume represents one spectra curve.
- Visibility indicator: Controls inclusion of a selected volume in the spectra.
- Spectra Panels: A spectra panel is displayed for each row in this list, and for each spectra panel, you can configure the vertical axis, spectra range (polygon and window) and display settings.
- Y-Axis: Selects the vertical axis type for the spectra panel (dB or linear, normalised, P90).
Filter: Filtering model for the spectra traces range i.e. Polygon or Window
- Polygon: allows selection of a volume section polygon. This polygon is used to mark a QC location and range for this graph. Select a polygon which covers the area of interest. Note that when generating images for multiple locations, the process automatically shifts the polygon to each image location.
- Window: lets you specify the spectra traces using the windowing model. When the model is set to "Whole Trace", spectra is drawn for all traces of the current QC section location. You can limit the window boundary for spectra by selecting the appropriate layers. You must have available models (via Insight's Model tab) for options other than "Whole Trace" to be available.
- Automatic: Displays spectra of the current visible axis range (horizontal and vertical). When you add multiple spectra panels, the visible vertical range is divided in equal number of parts, and each automatic panel use the vertical sub-range based on its visible index in the panel's list.
- Spectra Analysis icon: Opens the Spectra Analysis tool for this specific volume. Any configuration changes made in the opened Spectra view are saved to this QC spectra panel.
This tab lets you configure the amplitude histogram to display under the seismic panels for each QC volume.

- Check Show histogram to start with the configuration.
- Logarithmic: Toggles the vertical axis (trace count) scale to logarithmic or linear.
- Bins: Defines the total number of bins to display in the current amplitude range.
- Axis Settings: Configure display ranges for histogram axis; a row is displayed for each horizontal and vertical axis
- Start & End: Specify the visible axis range of the listed axis.
Lock control:
- Unlocked: Allow axis range modification using the interactive view (Open QC View).
- Locked: Panning and zooming the interactive view will not change the saved output dimensions.
- Update View Axes: Reset histogram axes to these settings, and is useful to return a modified view to its locked 'correct' settings.
- Show Stats: Show and configure the amplitude statistics to display as an overlay on the histogram.
- Fields: Toggle the visibility of the various stats fields e.g. RMS, Min, Max and Standard Deviation.
- Position: Controls the location of the overlay panel on each histogram.
- Font type and size: Use for drawing the statistics.
Configure the horizontal grid lines to display in the QC view. The configuration controls are similar to what are displayed in the other section view's display properties.

- Show: to display the horizontal grid line.
- Values: draw grid lines at these values. You can either enter a sequence as min-max[step], or specific values, separated by commas.
- Line: to choose the colour, thickness and line style.
- Mutes: List of Mute products to show in the Composite QC view.
Horizons: List of Horizon products to show in the Composite QC view.
- Blue + icon: Add item to list
- Red x icon: remove item from the list
This tab lets you control various appearance related settings for the QC image and interactive view.

- Axis Settings: Configure display ranges for section and header panels; a row is shown for each visible axis.
- Start & End: Use to specify the visible axis range of the listed domain.
Lock control
- Unlocked: Allow axis range modification using the interactive view (Open QC View).
- Locked: Panning and zooming the interactive view will not change the saved output dimensions.
- Update View Axes: Reset all interactive axes to these settings, and is useful to return a modified view to its locked 'correct' settings.
- Display Settings: Configure generated output image size and axis font settings.
- Axis Font: Selects the font (family, point size, and style) used on each axis in the generated QC image.
- Width & Height: Controls the generated QC image size, in pixels. The resulting aspect ratio will also affect the aspect ratio of the interactive QC view (Open QC View).
- Show separate axis label: controls whether the axis labels are displayed over the range (in the same row) or separately (in its own row).
- Panel Size: Contains the ratio of heights between the per-input-volume sections views (header, seismic, autocorrelation, etc). Ratios corresponding to undisplayed panel sections do not affect other panel sizes.
- Right Panel Width %: Defines the percentage of the overall width to allocate for amplitude spectra.
- Restore Defaults: Returns the display settings to the common default values.