How do I make an isochore or isochron map in Insight?

A simple horizon maths operation can be used to create an isochore or isochron map in Insight. An isochore map is the true vertical thickness between two horizons; an isochron map is the vertical time between two horizons. Both maps are created in a similar way. See Isopachs, Isochores, and Isochrons for more details and to create isopach (stratigraphic thickness) maps.

Isopach map
  1. Open Map View and begin a Horizon Maths operation (see Horizon Maths).  
  2. At the Inputs section, input horizon 'h1' and 'h2'. 
    1. For an isochore map, set the property as TVDSS (m).
    2. For an isochron map, set the property as TWT (ms).
  3. At Formula, insert the formula: h1 - h2. Make sure you are subtracting the shallower horizon from the deeper one.
  4. Select the output vertical dimension.
    1. For an isochore map, set the output property as TVDSS (m).
    2. For an isochron map, set the output property as TWT (ms).

Note: If you do not want the newly created horizon to show in section view, set the vertical dimension to <none>. Without the vertical dimension, you will only be able to view it in Map View.

  1. You can optionally constrain your isochore/isochron map by selecting a polygon for the ‘Area’.
  2. The output is a horizon property of vertical thickness (isochore) or time (isochron) between the input horizons. You can save this as a custom property to an existing horizon or create a new horizon.