Free Academic Licence

At DUG, we have strong ties to academia and research, and appreciate everyone in the educational community.  

As an Academic Licence holder, you are entitled to:

  • Use of DUG Insight and the Explorationist Module for non-commercial purposes, i.e. research, publications, teaching and learning;
  • Free software updates; and
  • Access to our online help and support resources.

In exchange, we kindly ask that you help spread the word about DUG Insight. Our reference guide makes referencing DUG Insight in academic papers a breeze.


Licences are available for students (for the duration of their enrollment), and faculty (while on the staff of an educational institution). Licences have a limited duration, but we are happy to renew them upon request.

Send all requests to .


Please include evidence of your current enrollment, e.g.

  • a photo of your student ID, including the expiration date;
  • a current transcript / course curriculum; or
  • other official documentation showing current enrolment.


Please include evidence of your faculty status, e.g.

  • A photo of your faculty ID card
  • A web page that includes your faculty details
  • Other documentation showing your faculty status.

Teaching / Classroom / Lab Settings

Please contact us if you have need of multiple installations for a lab setting or classroom environment. We will provide additional information and requirements for your IT staff.

Activating the Academic Licence

Download and install the software from our website, and follow these steps:

  • Run the DUG Launcher, create or select a project, choose DUG Insight.
  • Select or type the memory usage, Click Launch
  • If you are prompted to create a trial licence, click the text at the bottom that says "Already have a licence token? Click here to activate it."
  • If you are not prompted to start a trial, go to the Control Panel / Help menu and choose "Licence Manager".
  • Choose "Online Activation"
  • Type or copy and paste the licence token.
  • Click Next.

For detailed information about licence activation, see here.

Getting Started

If you're new to DUG Insight, here are a few resources to help you get underway:

If you have any questions or suggestions, email the support team:

Referencing Guide

In text (suggested):

  • DUG Insight software (v.5.1, 2021) was used for seismic visualisation, interpretation and analysis.


  • DUG Insight (version 5.1). 2021. Windows/Linux/Mac. Perth, Western Australia: DUG Technology Ltd (


@software{ duginsight,
  author = {DUG Technology Ltd},
  title = {DUG Insight},
  url = {},
  version = {5.1},
  date = {2021},
Click to copy