Spectra Chart Settings
Configuring the Y-axis

Select the type of Y-Axis for the spectra plot.
- Linear: Raw spectral amplitudes.
- Linear Normalised: Independently scale spectra to a maximum amplitude of 1 (default).
- Linear Normalised (P90): Independently scale amplitudes such that 90% of frequencies are below 1.
- dB: Spectral amplitudes in decibels.
- dB Down: Independently scale spectra (in decibels) to a maximum of 0.
- dB Down (P90): Independently scale spectra (in decibels) such that 90% of frequencies are below 0.
View settings

Click the spanner icon at the top left corner to open the settings window.

Axes Ranges:
- Frequency: The range for the frequency axis
- Phase: The phase range for the phase panel
- Wavelet TWT: The TWT range for the wavelet panel
- Wavelet Amp: The amplitude range for the wavelet panel
- Linear: The Y-Axis range for the Linear axis
- Linear Norm: The Y-Axis range for the Linear-Normalised axis
- Linear Norm (P90): The Y-Axis range for the Linear Normalised P-90 axis
- dB: The Y-Axis range for the dB axis
- dB Down: The Y-Axis range for the dB-Normalised axis
- dB Down (P90): The Y-Axis range for the dB-Normalised-P90 axis.

Default Trace Windowing Model:
- Taper length: Traces are tapered at the edge of the window by this amount to minimise edge effects
- Max Moveout First Interface (ms): The "droop" at the maximum offset (or other fourth dimension in the model) at the first defined interface. As the offset increases, the time window shifts downward with the moveout. The shift at the maximum offset at the last interface is hard-coded at 10 ms.
Tip: Define windows and intervals using window models (see Creating a Windowing Model). Window models and their layers are listed in the Window selector at the top of the view.

Time/Depth Conversion Default:
Set the override value for depth to time conversion default sequence in spectra viewer.

Smoothing enabled
- By default, spectra are smoothed across frequencies. Uncheck this box to disable smoothing.
Smoothing range
- Define the width of the smoothing, in Hertz.
Phase Spectra Wrapping
- Select one of the following options:
- (-180, 180)
- (0, 360)
- Unwrapped
- Select one of the following options:
Additional Settings
Right-click in the chart panel and select Configure Track.

- Title: The chart title
- Legend: Show the legend (green/amber) and set the position
- Width: Set the chart width in pixels. Use zero (0) to autofit.

Horizontal (X) Axis: First row, e.g. Frequency Hz
- Min and Max fields: Set the axis range
- Values: Labels the axis values
- Linear / Log / Octave : Axis type, plot values in this domain
- Grid: Adjust the the number of vertical grid lines
Vertical (Y) Axis: Second row, e.g. Amplitude
- Min and Max fields: Set the axis range
- Values: Labels the axis values
- Linear / Log / Octave : Axis type, plot values in this domain
- Grid: Adjust the the number of vertical grid lines
- Auto Fit Range: Enable to automatically scale the axis

Override or configure each spectrum.
- Green/amber circle: Hide/show
Curve display: Display as line or filled
- Line curve: A line with colour, opacity and thickness.
- Curve-Filled: Curve filled with colour from a colourbar
- Completely-Filled: Fill with colour from a colourbar