Spectral Analysis Settings
Volume Settings

Select an entry in the table to show the details in the panel below.
- Green/amber circle: Show or hide the spectrum for this data
Volume contains wavelets:
- Enabled: include leading and trailing zero values (e.g. wavelets)
- Disabled: Trim leading and trailing zeros before calculating the spectrum
- Line thickness: Adjust the line thickness
- Line colour: Click to set the colour
- Show Signal/Noise Spectrum: Enable to include signal and/or noise spectra (see Signal and Noise Estimates).

- For depth volumes: Type the sample rate for the depth to time volume conversion in Spectral Viewer. Note: Set the Depth to Time default sequence in the Spectra View settings window by clicking the spanner icon.
Gather Settings

Gather volumes have additional settings:
- Offset (m): (or gather dimension) Select a specific gather dimension value, or All to view the spectra for all traces in the gather
- Inner Mute: Apply an inner mute before analysis
- Outer Mute: Apply an outer mute before analysis
Note: Traces are tapered using a window that is the intersection of the selected Windowing Model interface (see Creating a Windowing Model) and the mutes.
Warning: Moveout is not taken into account if the selected polygon is picked on a vertical section.