Picked Function Model
This process converts a function picked on gathers to a single 3D volume. See Using the Gather Picking Panel. A window model defines the structure and function values are smoothly interpolated using inverse distance algorithm.
Create a picked function model

- In the Control Panel, open the Process tab.
- At the tab header, click the Add icon and select New Process.
- Double-click Picked Function Model.
- Type a name for the process and click OK.

- In the Details Panel, at Picked function, select a volume function that you have picked from the Gather Picking Panel.
- Choose a Windowing model to structurally define the structure of the volume (see Creating a Windowing Model).
- At the Output Extents section, assign a survey to your output volume.
- Type the range of Inline extent and Crossline extent and the respective sample intervals.
- Choose either TWT (ms) or TVDSS (m) as the domain, and type the time/depth extents and sample interval for the model.
In the Per-Layer Settings section, select the lateral interpolation method used for each layer of the windowing model. Available options include:
- Inverse Distance — The resultant model will then tie each well.
- User-specified constant — Allows you to type a constant value for the model in that layer (this is useful to define sensible values outside of the well control depth range; either at depth and/or shallow in the model).
As a result of this process, a new volume is added in the Volume tab. The example below shows the section view of the Picked Function Model as picked in Using the Gather Picking Panel.
Tip: To quickly open the output volume, right-click the process item in the Process tab and click Open Child Volume. Vice versa, you can also open the process from the Volume tab directly. To do this, right-click the volume which was created from a process (indicated in italics) and click Open Parent Process.