Reflectivity (Stack & Gather)

Description Generate reflectivity or gather reflectivity.
Module(s) Explorationist
Works with Stack, Gathers

Calculate reflectivity (at an angle) and AVA terms from elastic logs.

  1. In the Control Panel, go to View > New Single Well View.
  2. In the Single Well window, open the Process tab.
  3. At the tab header, click the blue "+" icon.
  4. Click on Reflectivity.
  5. Type a name for the process and click OK.

Configure reflectivity

  1. Input: Select a P-Velocity, S-Velocity and Density curve.
  2. Missing/Invalid Values: Choose the action when input variables are unavailable, null or invalid prior to filtering. This rule is applied when calculating each sample:
    • Interpolate (default): Calculate missing Vp values using the class interpolator.
    • Output 0: Replace missing Vp values with 0.        
    • Output Null: Replace missing Vp values with Null.
  3. Click the blue "+" icon to add a row and red "x" icon to remove the row.
    • Click and drag the dotted area on the left of the name to change the row order.
  4. Name: Type a name for the angle.
  5. Angle: calculate the reflectivity at this angle.
  6. Result curves are calculated for enabled items:
    • Angle Stack Reflectivity (rfc): The reflectivity at the specified angle.
    • AI, SI, Density, Vp/Vs Reflectivity: Reflectivity for each property is calculated as where P1 and P2 are consecutive samples.
    • Intercept, Gradient, Curvature: AVA properties at each sample.
  7. Enable custom name:  Allow the user to define the process output curve name.
  8. Prefix: Text appended to the name of each output curve.
  9. Extent: Output is always in TWT.
    • Enter the start, stop and step size.
    • Reset: set the start, stop and step size to match the available data in TWT