Fluid Property Calculator

Description Calculate reservoir fluid property using empirical relationship (salinity, pressure, temperature, porosity).
Module(s) Explorationist
Works with

Calculate reservoir fluid properties (water, oil and gas) using empirical relationships such as salinity, pressure, temperature and porosity.

  1. In the Control Panel, go to View > New Single Well View.
  2. In the Single Well window, open the Process tab.
  3. At the tab header, click the blue "+" icon.
  4. Click on Fluid Property Calculator.
  5. Type a name for the process and click OK.

Configure the fluid property calculator

  1. Calculate: choose which reservoir property to calculate.
    • Water
    • Oil
    • Gas
  2. Input Curves: Input to the fluid property calculator can be curve/s or a user specified constant value. Enable the fluid property by clicking the yellow circle and select the curve with the curve picker icon.
    • For calculating water properties: Temperature, Pressure, Salinity
    • For calculating oil properties: Temperature, Pressure, Oil gravity, GOR, Gas gravity
    • For calculating gas properties: Temperature, Pressure, Gas gravity
  1. Layer: Choose to use the curve from the input curve settings, or to use a constant value. Click the blue "+" to add a new layer or red "x" icon to remove. Layers can also be defined to calculate properties using different parameters.
    • If no curves are selected for the calculation
      • Top: User specified constant, horizon or markers
      • Base: The maximum output depth
    • If curves are selected for calculation
      • Top: User specified constant, horizon or markers or where the minimum curve depth is
      • Base: Maximum curve depth
  2. Output Summary: Shows the summary of the calculated output.
  3. By default, the output curve name uses the following values: calc: (calculated property)_(reservoir property)_(process name)
    • For example: calc: Vp_Oil_FluidProperties
  4. Enable custom name: Allow the user to enter a custom process output curve name.
  5. Extent: Output can be in MDKB, TWT or TVDSS domain.
    • Enter the start, stop and step size.
    • Reset: Automatically set the start, stop and step size value to match the data in the first curve.